传奇球星Kobe Bryant(科比)在全世界的影响力众所周知。哪怕是不打篮球、不懂篮球的人,也一定听过他的名字。
而一场坠机事件,夺走了Kobe Bryant的生命。这位尽心尽力的运动员,曾创造过许多传奇。为了向24号球衣的他致敬,小编整理了科比的『24句霸气语录』,希望他的正面精神,继续影响更多人!
1. I don’t want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.
2. I’m chasing perfection.
3. Somebody has to win, so why not, why not be me!
4. As far as carrying the torch for the years to come,I don’t know。I just want to be the best basketball player I can be.”
5. Seize today, don’t believe tomorrow.
6. What people see on court is another side of me; it’s not me.
7. If you’re afraid to fail then you’re probably going to fail.
8. I can accept failure, but i can’t accept giving up.
9. My biggest enemy is yourself.
10. Stick to out of the road to your dreams.
11. My hearing is getting worse, hear boos in each stadium.
12. If I feel something is wrong, I will stay in that constantly training, until I do it right.
13. When you want to give up, think about what makes you insist on here.
14. I’m playing against great players, playing against the best in the world. The competition – that’s what I’ve always wanted.
我正在跟伟大的球员们打球,和世界上最好的球员们竞争。这比赛 — 就是我一直想要的。
15. I focus on one thing and one thing only – that’s trying to win as many championships as I can.
我专注于一件事,而且只有这件事 –那就是尽我所能地赢到越多冠军。
16. I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. I have fear of failure. I have nights when I show up at the arena and I’m like, “My back hurts, my feet hurt, my knees hurt. I don’t have it. I just want to chill.” We all have self-doubt. You don’t deny it, but you also don’t capitulate to it. You embrace it.
我会怀疑自己,我会缺乏安全感,我会恐惧失败。我会在那几个夜晚,在我喜欢的球场上现身时,想着“我的背很痛,我的脚受伤,我的膝盖受伤。我没有办法了,我只想放松。” 我们都曾自我怀疑,你不需要否认它,但你也不能够向它屈服。你要做的是去拥抱它。
17. Second place means the first loser!
18. I draw from the crowd a lot.
19. I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language. I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.
20. I’ll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.
21. The topic of leadership is a touchy one. A lot of leaders fail because they don’t have the bravery to touch that nerve or strike that chord. Throughout my years, I haven’t had that fear.
22. Everything negative — pressure, challenges — is all an opportunity for me to rise.
每件负面的事 – 压力、挑战 – 都是一个让我提升的机会。
23. If you’re afraid to fail, then you’re probably going to fail.
24. Are you willing to push the right buttons even if it means being perceived as the villain? … I’d rather be perceived as a winner than a good teammate. I wish they both went hand in hand all the time but that’s just not reality. … I have nothing in common with lazy people who blame others for their lack of success.
即使会被众人当成恶棍,你还会做对的决定吗?….我宁愿被认为是一个赢家而非一个好队友。我希望能同时兼顾两者,但是这是不实际的…. 我和那些懒惰的人 ─ 那些只会将自己没有成功的原因怪罪于他人的人─ 并没有任何共同点。
Salute, The Legend —— Kobe Bryant!