他们当下肯定吓坏,但还是冷静通知捕蛇队,前来“拿下”这条可怕物种。事后,阳光海岸捕蛇队(Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers)在面子书上传一张照片,要网民们「找一找」~
网友们拼尽眼力,依旧找不到呀~ 到底在哪里?答案揭晓!?
BIG Python Surprises Lady on Her Sun Lounge!
BIG Python Surprises Lady on Her Sun Lounge!Imagine going out onto your deck in the morning and sitting down in the warm morning sun only to realise something else is there enjoying the suns warmth as well. This is the video from the 'Spot the snake' post yesterday. Carpet Pythons are the most common snake we catch and dont seemed to bothered by humans. They will often hang out in entertaining areas like this and wont move even if people are around. Majority of other snakes will retreat to cover when they see someone nearby.Stu
Posted by Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 on Sunday, July 21, 2019