根据《星洲网》和《The Star》的报导,大马一间书局BookXcess位于沙亚南的仓库,由于发生严重的水灾,放置书本的仓库被水淹入,造成上百万本书被迫浸泡在水中。
BookXcess和Big Bad Wolf的创办人叶添龙透露:
The recent floods in Malaysia have caused considerable loss and disruption. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone whose lives and livelihoods have been impacted by this disaster. BookXcess’ operations were among those affected. Flood waters had ravaged through our warehouse over the weekend, submerging the entire lower level and damaging millions of books. The electricity supply was cut off and has yet to be reconnected. As a result of these unforeseen circumstances, we anticipate unavoidable delays in deliveries of purchases from the BookXcess online website for the next few days. We would like to appeal to all our loyal customers and fans to bear with us during this period.As we forge on with the recovery process, BookXcess would like to assure all customers that it will continue to fulfil all orders received via our online platform. We are pleased to inform that our online platform and all our retail stores will remain open to serve you and continue to meet your needs and service expectations to the best of our ability.We sincerely seek your kind patience and understanding as we work to resolve these issues. As a business, BookXcess has never experienced anything as traumatic as this, and the road to recovery will be challenging, but with your continued support and compassion, BookXcess will persevere. In the meantime, if you have any questions, you may reach out to us at support@bookxcess.com.Please do take care of yourself and your loved ones.Stay Safe.
Posted by BookXcess on Tuesday, December 21, 2021
这个仓库除了供应BookXcess书本之外,也给由BookXcess举办的书展Big Bad Wolf供应书本。目前,这个书展已经成功驻进了10个国家,包括印尼、缅甸、菲律宾等等。
▼希望BookXcess和Big Bad Wolf可以挺过这次难关。
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