根据Yuma County Sheriff’s Office在Facebook发公告,在2021年10月20日的凌晨4点30分,美国一名持枪的匪徒与2名同党企图打劫一间油站便利店。
他们万万没想到,当时正准备去离开上班的蓝衣顾客James Kilcer(32岁)其实是一名前海军陆战队员!
James Kilcer察觉到对方意图不轨后,马上出手握住对方的枪,然后用右手拿着的塑料袋向匪徒的脸上砸过去,迅速地将对方压制在地上。
James Kilcer在接受CNN采访时回忆当时的情况,他说匪徒一进门就大喊叫店员打开收银机。
James Kilcer也坦言,他原本以为那是一把玩具枪,就随手扔在一边,后来才发现是真枪。
PRESS RELEASE UPDATEArmed RobberyOctober 22, 2021 – 7:00 PMOn Friday, October 22, 2021, at approximately 10:00 AM, Yuma County Sheriff’s Office investigators arrested another juvenile involved in this case. The juvenile was booked into the Yuma County Juvenile Justice Center for one count of armed robbery and one count of aggravated assault. The investigation remains ongoing.—————ORIGINAL RELEASE: October 20, 2021 – 8:15 PMLocation of Incident: Chevron, located at 10747 S. Fortuna Road – Yuma, AZOn Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at approximately 4:30 AM, Deputies responded to an armed robbery report at the Chevron located at 10747 E. North Frontage Road. Upon arrival, Deputies learned of three suspects entering the Chevron, one of them armed with a handgun. The armed suspect walked next to a store customer while pointing the weapon toward the cashier when the customer acted immediately and disarmed him. The other two suspects fled the area when they witnessed their fellow criminal stopped. The customer was able to detain the suspect he disarmed until law enforcement arrived. The suspect detained during the incident was a juvenile and was booked into the Yuma County Juvenile Justice Center for one count of armed robbery and one count of aggravated assault.The other two suspects are still currently outstanding. No injuries reported from any of the victims. This case remains under investigation.When Deputies contacted the customer, who previously served in the United States Marine Corps, and asked how he was able to take control of the situation, he stated, “The Marine Corps taught me not to [mess] around.”Anyone with information regarding this case, please contact the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office at 928-783-4427 or 78-CRIME to remain anonymous. You can also visit our website at www.yumacountysheriff.org to submit an anonymous tip. Information Released By: Tania Pavlak, Public Affairs Specialist
Posted by Yuma County Sheriff's Office on Wednesday, October 20, 2021
根据Yuma County Sheriff’s Office发布的公告,事隔几天,其他两名同党也陆续被警方逮捕。
PRESS RELEASEOctober 29, 2021 – 4:00 PM**Update** Armed RobberyLocation of Incident: Yuma, AZUpdate:On Saturday,…
Posted by Yuma County Sheriff's Office on Friday, October 29, 2021