大马一名男子在Facebook专页「UTAR Confessions – ALL Rejected / Censor Original Post」吐槽女友有公主病,整天约束他的一举一动,跟他妈妈关系也不好。男子受不了提出分手,没想到女友竟然以自杀威胁,搞得男子被迫忍下去。
I have a gf, not the first one, but im her first. We used to be very very good in the beginning, but after that things went wrong, I realize she got 公主病 ( princess disease ) , what she need I must commit, or else she will flame me.
For example, when she want Starbucks I must buy Starbucks, when she want sushi I must dabao for her. Things went more restricted that I cant go out with friends if she is alone, I only can hang out with friends when she is hanging out with other friends as well. I felt totally no freedom, it seems like everything is controlled.
Things went even more worse when problem occur between her and my parent. First she hate to go back to my hometown because there is no Starbucks, coffee shop, shopping mall there, because my hometown is kinda like a small kampung, not like KL.
当女友跟我父母相处了之后,事情变得越来越糟糕。第一,她讨厌回去我的家乡,因为我的家乡没有Starbucks、没有咖啡厅、没有Shopping mall。我家是个小Kampung,又不是像KL那种大城市。
She is a princess when back to my hometown, food must serve in front of her, my mum asked her to helped cook or wash plate and she say no and sitting there waiting for food.
It make my mum super pissed as my mum is also stingy kind of person. She say my gf is like a princess this cannot do that cannot do, complain this complain that.
My gf say she dont like my family member, she hate my mum because keep on ordering her to do this and that.
So Im like a chicken ham giap between my mum and my gf. My dad just watch me become chicken ham and continue play his PS4. Im fucked up???
Soon, whenever I want to back to hometown, my gf sure dont want to back while my mum will ask me to back. I only can back if my gf is busy or hang out with friend. I have totally no idea what should I do.
I already can imagine the life after I get marry, it will be totally fucked up. So, one day I find my gf for a short talk, midnight, discussing about our problem and I mention ‘break up’.
She keep silent for a moment, and suddenly grab a scissors and cut her left hand vain. Blood is all over the floor, I was totally shock and quickly send her to hospital and manage to save her life ???. 真的吓死我了
After that incident, I was very scared and I promised wont break up with her again. The problem now is what should I do next ?
I have totally no idea. Please help me out.
I had told this to my dad, and my dad told me: “Chill Son, Everything Will be Fine” and he continue play his fav PS4…maa haiii
Im fucked up.
你还可以阅读:【Sek Do一点咯!】大马网友抱怨室友『10个超Tak Boleh的行为』,卫生习惯差还要有“公主病”!