安娣用Fred Perry袋子装这些礼品,他还搞笑地说:“哇,安娣送Fred Perry啊!”。他不断向安娣道谢,也对安娣说抱歉,因为不能让她进屋里坐坐。安娣回答说:“不用紧,我们也不能握手。”
正当安娣缓缓地走回家,男子突然大喊:“安娣!我爱你!I Love You!” 突如其来的“告白”超搞笑???
Without Fail!!! On the dot!!! Every year since I moved in she will do this!!! What in the world??!!!•This is the same auntie that asked for MY permission to put altar infront of HER HOUSE every hungry ghost month. As you can see our front doors are directly facing one another. How unselfishly considerate of her to care for me and my family's well being with regards to our faith.Masya'Allah I am truly blessed to have such beautiful neighbours. She had taught me the full meaning of humility not by words but by her actions. This is ol'skool punya pukulan beb where no institution could teach. ?❤️With regards to pending queries for The Landmark Raya Feast, give me time to attend to each and every one of your feedbacks and messages. Insya'Allah I will make sure all that needs answers are attended to. xB.
Posted by Chef Bob on Sunday, May 24, 2020