网友David在面子书上分享一则关于他在路上遇见路霸的视频。事发当时,一名女司机把车驾进反方向的One Way路,刚好挡在他前面。
The reception I got from the stall operators in How Yik Kee beat the hell out of me. It was just a little short of a standing ovation. All because I refused to bend over to a bitch who should not be in possession of a driving license. Story in the video. According to the stall operators, this driver is a major trouble causer who has been frequently going the wrong way on 17/7 and parking in a manner which would obstruct traffic flow. A few days back, she supposedly left her car in the middle of the road while she went to buy a pack of noodles. She is neither apologetic nor repentant. She wants fame, and I am more than happy to oblige. I am sure you would also help her reach the pinnacle of global recognition.
Posted by David Foo on Friday, October 12, 2018
网友都佩服David的耐性~ 换做其他人,可能早就对这名女司机无理了!
结局就是,“野蛮姐”知道他不肯放弃,最终还是举白旗退车。想说,大家都是在路上的驾车人士,方便一下彼此也没有什么损失啊~ 何必要等到事情闹大才肯退一步呢?
你还可以阅读:【驾贵车大晒?】路霸Mercedes闯进One Way不肯让路,还要猛撞前方Bezza!网民:有钱买车,没脑驾车~