根据Local 10.com报导,当时丈夫Joseph Anderson载着就快生的妻子Susan Anderson赶往Natural BirthWorks分娩中心生孩子,没想到却发生了这场令人难以置信的“意外”。
当时,一名助产士Sandra Lovaina赶出来停车场为产妇接生。
这个罕见的画面刚好被分娩中心的门铃摄像头拍了下来,该中心的其中一名助产士Gelena Hinkley把视频分享到面子书,并写道:
▼助产士Gelena Hinkley。
▼在停车场为Susan接生的助产士Sandra Lovaina。
据报导,Gelena Hinkley也说,该中心早前也曾经帮这名产妇接生过,但这次却意外的快。
据悉,产妇原本已经和该中心预约好要进行水中分娩(Water Birth),结果宝宝却另有打算,妈妈还来不及进入产房就已呱呱坠地。
Shared with permission! This momma had a super fast labor. In Midwife terms, it was precipitous. When dad called a few minutes before arrival and said she feels like pushing gloves were on and ready. Although I thought we'd have time to get inside, this little one had other plans. The Police just so happened to be across the street & heard the commotion and walked over to see if help was needed.. Multitasking by catching a baby and letting them know we were all good was quite the experience! One of the most exciting births of 2020 ? One we won't forget! Mom & baby are doing amazing and we can all laugh at how awesome this birth was. Especially because the cops looked pretty shell shocked! ??✨ #birthhappens #babieswaitfornoone #birthwithoutfear #midwifelife #joysofbirth #loveourjob #alwaysexciting #midwives #birthisbeautiful #birthworker #birthchoices #naturalbirth #birthcenterbabies #midwifery #birthoptions #trustingthebody #mothertomothersupport #supportmoms #supportingfamilies #supportmidwives
Posted by Gelena Hinkley on Selasa, 23 Jun 2020
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